C# to get your local IP address when online.
Monday, December 9, 2013 at 01:50PM
Carl Franklin


This quick function returns your local IP address or an empty string if not connected or no ip address is found. Requires a "using System.Net;" statement.

        /// <summary>
        /// returns the first local IP address that's connected to the network
        /// only if it's connected to the network.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string getLocalIPAddress()
            string ret = "";
            // Are we connected to the network?
            if (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
                // get a list of local addresses
                var addrs = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName());
                foreach (IPAddress ip in addrs)
                    // is this an IPv4 address?
                    if (ip.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                        // that's the one
                        ret = ip.ToString();
            return ret;



Article originally appeared on Carl Franklin (http://carlfranklin.net/).
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